All locations will resume normal hours Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
You need your library card number and your PIN number. If you have lost your library card, visit one of our locations to get a replacement.
Your PIN number is assigned to you by the library and is created with the first three letters of your last name in ALL CAPS and the last five digits of your card number. (Example: ALT12345) If you need assistance with your card number or PIN, please use our Website Contact Form or call your local branch for help.
Yes! If you live in Ascension Parish, simply bring in a current picture ID (driver’s license, school ID, military ID, or passport) and proof of address (driver’s license, a piece of mail, or voter registration). Children from birth to the age of 13 may apply for a juvenile library card. Library cards are issued at no charge for a five (5) year period. You can use this library card to check out library materials from our print and digital collections, use our research databases and eLearning platforms, visit our Tech Rooms for computer and internet access, and reserve meeting and study rooms at all of our locations.
To get an eCard, simply fill out this Online Borrower Registration form. Your eCard will give you immediate access to limited resources in our digital library, such as OverDrive (Libby), cloudLibrary, and Hoopla Digital. When you visit one of our locations, you can convert your eCard to a full-access library card, which will allow you to check out books and other library materials at any Ascension Parish Library location.
In order to use your e-card right away for online resources, be sure to write down the card number and PIN number provided at the time of online registration.
If you have lost your library card, visit one of the branches to get a replacement card.
Yes! If you work or attend school in Ascension Parish, but don’t live here, you are also eligible for a library card. Bring in a current picture ID and some form of proof that you work or attend school in the parish.
If you live in a neighboring parish (Assumption, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Livingston, St. James, and St. John the Baptist), show us your library card from the parish in which you live, along with a current picture ID (driver’s license, school ID, military ID, or passport).
Most books, videos, audios, and magazines are borrowed for fourteen (14) days and may be renewed up to five times if there are no requests for the item.
APL no longer charges late fines for overdue library materials.
View your checkouts and holds by logging in to your library account.
Holds refer to items you have placed on hold through your library account by clicking the "Place Hold" button for that item. Once an item is placed on hold, it will be taken off the shelf and held for you at the check-out desk.
If you request an item to be sent from another location to your home location, you will be contacted when the item arrives and is ready for pick up. If an item is checked out, you will be contacted when it is returned and is ready for pick up. You will be notified by email or phone according to the settings in your library account.